由于储存,移动和充气市场的内存筹码的强劲和日益增长的需求,所有记忆力播放器都在努力提高密度/性能,降低制造成本,并为每一代开发新的创新技术。TechInsights已经追踪和挖掘它们,包括DRAM,NAND闪存和新兴内存设备的技术趋势和创新过程/设计更改,如STT-MRAM,RERAM,FERAM和3D XPoint内存。我们将概述并在网络研讨会上讨论它们。
DRAM Cell缩放到第15个NM设计规则(D / R)已经从三星,微米和SK Hynix等主要参与者中生产。的y’ve been developing n+1 and n+2 generations so called 1b (or 1β) and 1c (or 1γ), which means DRAM cell D/R might be able to further scale down to sub-12 nm or beyond with/without EUV adoption for DRAM cell patterning. The cell scaling is getting slower due to the key challenges such as process integrity, cost, cell leakage, capacitance, refresh management and sensing margin. Some innovative technologies such as higher-k dielectric materials, pillar capacitor process, recess channel transistor, and HKMG adoption can be seen from the advanced DRAM cell design. Further, 3D DRAM, high bandwidth memory (HBM3), graphic DRAM (GDDR6X/7) and embedded DRAM (10nm/7nm) technologies will extend the DRAM lifetime and application.
各大NAND厂商都在竞相增加垂直3D NAND门的数量,纷纷推出1yyL 3D NAND设备,如三星V7 V-NAND、KIOXIA、西部数字公司(WDC) BiCS6、美光2代CTF CuA、SK Hynix 2等ndgen. 4D PUC NAND。除了存储密度,3D NAND原型用于超低延迟的NAND应用(分类为存储类内存),如三星Z-SSD和KIOXIA XL-FLASH。3D NAND钻头密度达10.8 Gb/mm2(SK Hynix 176L 512GB TLC)和12.8 GB / mm2(英特尔144L 3甲板QLC)。YMTC 128L Xtacking产品即将推出。
Intel扩展XPoint内存应用程序不仅为传统的SSD,而且DCPMM持久内存。英特尔OptaneTMP5800X SSD产品采用第二代XPoint存储技术与四堆栈PCM/OTS单元结构。Everspin第三代独立256Mb STT-MRAM (pMTJ)和1Gb STT-MRAM,三星和索尼的新28nm eSTT MRAM (pMTJ),雪崩eSTT MRAM (pMTJ)与40nm节点,Dialog半导体(老Adesto Technologies) 2nd生成CBRAM,富士通45nm勒克兰130nm Feram产品已在2020年和2021年市场释放。