- 延迟至5nm,最多15层,包括复杂的形貌结构,如finFET/trigate、低K和金属栅。材料系统包括硅、SiGe、SOI、GaAs和InP
- 高精度,高倍率和高速扫描电镜成像使用定制的,专利的图像采集系统与专有软件进行精确的图像组装和校准
- 专有的图像识别软件工具,用于自动提取IC导线和设备,生成精确的电路图
- 用于电路跟踪和电路编辑的聚焦离子束系统
- 集成电路级逆向工程raybet正规么
- Package-level
- PCB级
- 电路级FIB信号探测(ASIC信号跟踪)
TechInsights公司analyzes a wide variety of circuits in device applications ranging from wireless, to automotive to medical devices. Examples include:
- 模拟
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- 内存(DRAM、NAND、新兴)
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TechInsights公司has over 30 years of experience working with circuit patent holders and circuit design teams to deliver analysis that supports IP and technology investment decisions. Whether mining your circuit portfolio to develop a licensing campaign and generate EoU, or providing a design team with standard cell analysis and design, we’ve got your needs covered.
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Samsung K4A8G085WD-BCTD 1Y DDR4 DRAM上的CIRCHNVISION分析(完整)(带Cadence文件) | 三星 | 电路 | 记忆- DRAM Circuit Analysis |
YMTC 64L 3D NAND电路分析报告 | UNIC存储器 | 电路 | 存储器与非电路分析 |
三星1Y LPDDR5 12GB电路分析报告 | 三星 | 电路 | 记忆- DRAM Circuit Analysis |
Sk Hynix D1y DDR4选择块电路分析 | 现代 | 电路 | 记忆- DRAM Circuit Analysis |
三星1y LPDDR4X SDRAM(K3UH7H70AM-AGCL)8GB电路分析 | 三星 | 电路 | 记忆- DRAM Circuit Analysis |
Intel/Micron MT29F512G08EBHBF-R\U B选定块电路分析报告 | 微米技术 | 电路 | 存储器与非电路分析 |
电路Vision Analysis on the Data Path of the Samsung K4A8G085WD-BCTD 1Y DDR4 DRAM | 三星 | 电路 | 记忆- DRAM Circuit Analysis |
电路Vision Analysis on the Toshiba TH58LJT0T24BADE 96L 3D NAND Flash Memory Array and Data Path | Toshiba | 电路 | 存储器与非电路分析 |
三星K9DUGY8J5B-DCK0(K9AFGD8J0B芯片)92层3D V-NAND闪存IO缓冲区的电路视觉分析 | 三星 | 电路 | 存储器与非电路分析 |
micron1x技术MT53D512M64D4NZ-053\uwt\u D LPDDR4 SDRAM的电路视觉分析 | 微米技术 | 电路 | 记忆- DRAM Circuit Analysis |

Webinar: Gearing Up for the Electric Vehicle (EV) Revolution
加入美国2002年2月3日,2021年3月3日网络研讨会:为电动汽车(EV)艺术电源设备的革命状态3PM Est&按需周三,2月3日,2021年3月3日,JST和按需周三,2月3日星期三,2021
Supporting IP strategy in the semiconductor industry
Supporting IP strategy in the semiconductor industry Growing complexity of the chip market has made it harder than ever for intellectual property owners to monitor developments, making reverse engineering a crucial process The breadth of reverse
Sony d-ToF Sensor found in Apple’s new LiDAR camera
2021年1月19日图像传感器颠覆性技术索尼d-ToF传感器在苹果新的激光雷达相机中发现苹果的激光雷达相机在2020年的iPad Pro中首次被观测到;正如预期的那样,我们在10月份看到了iPhone 12 Pro中使用的相同部件。工业
简uary 12, 2021 John Sullivan HiSilicon’s move towards an antenna to modem solution HiSilicon provides the RF transceiver and mobile SoC for Huawei’s mobile handsets but the RF front end has traditionally been sourced from the usual front end
Intel Launches 2nd-Gen 3D XPoint Memory, Discusses at IEDM - Memory TechStream Blog
2020年12月28日Dick James Intel发布第二代3D XPoint Memory,12月16日在IEDM上讨论Intel举行了“内存与存储时刻”,宣布了五款新的内存和存储产品;两款Optane™ SSD,一个用于数据中心,另一个用于
东芝集成二极管进入SIC MOSFET - Power Techstream Blog
12月ember 21, 2020 Stephen Russell Toshiba Integrated Diode into SiC MOSFET Every silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturer seemingly has their own approach to FET fabrication. Be it planar, trench, JFET, etc. there is no dominant design throughout the
Dick James是一位近50年的半导体行业资深人士,从事半导体器件的工艺开发、设计、制造、封装和逆向工程。迪克是一个经常投稿的人raybet正规么
Webinar: Increasing Value of Semiconductor IP in the Automotive Supply Chain
Increasing Value of Semiconductor IP in the Automotive Supply Chain Today, automobiles are more than just transportation devices. Automobiles are hotspots with entertainment systems, state of the art communications capabilities, and cutting edge
可用逻辑订阅>流程和高级包装>流程>晶体管表征> SOC设计分析>数字平面图分析>分析 - 数字平面图>标准单元GDS库分析>晶体管

USB-C电源适配器中的新兴GaN技术This event was presented by Sinjin Dixon-Warren & TechInsights Power adapters with a USB connection are ubiquitous in modern life. The wonderful mobile devices we use require regular connection

Wireless Charging Speeds Up - Teardown TechStream Blog
高级技术分析师Stacy Wegner Stacy Wegner是TechInsights拆卸部门的高级技术分析师,负责确保我们的分析师提供的高技术数据转化为具有竞争力的消费品
内存技术2020及以后NAND、DRAM、新兴和嵌入式内存技术趋势本网络研讨会由TechInsights主办。在本网络研讨会上,Jeongdong Choe博士将详细介绍最新的NAND、DRAM、新兴和嵌入式内存技术趋势
TechInsights、TechInsights和Bloomberg Intelligence分析师在本次网络研讨会上对苹果iPhone 12的技术和财务影响进行了探讨,他们分享了他们对苹果最具影响力的产品的技术和财务见解
在STMicroelectronics Mastergan1内部GaN高压半桥-Techstream电源半导体博客
Sinjin Dixon-Warren,高级进程分析师Sinjin Dixon-Warren是一个高级进程分析师,技术人员拥有超过20年的半导体分析经验,是电力电子分析的主题专家(中小企业)。他持有A.

ALD/ALE Process in Commercially Available Memory Devices 2018 saw memory product manufacturers Samsung, Hynix, Toshiba and Micron introducing 64- or 72- stacked layer 3D-NAND devices, and move into 1x generation DRAM devices. This presentation will
十月苹果:苹果iPhone 12 Pro拆卸-拆卸TechStream博客
高级技术分析师Stacy Wegner Stacy Wegner是TechInsights拆卸部门的高级技术分析师,负责确保我们的分析师提供的高技术数据转化为具有竞争力的消费品
iphone相机历史:iphone 12的替代和正常
Jeongdong Choe博士是TechInsights的高级技术研究员,在DRAM、(V)NAND、SRAM和逻辑器件的半导体工艺集成方面拥有近30年的经验。他定期提供博客
意法半导体在Galaxy Note系列中取代索尼ToF-图像传感器TechStream博客
Ray Fontaine, Product Manager – Image Sensor Ray is one of the preeminent image sensor technology experts in the world, and he regularly publishes Image Sensor analysis content and commentary for TechInsights subscribers. October 11, 2020 Samsung
A New Player Emerges in the GaN Charger Market – Innoscience INN650D02 Found Inside the Rock RH-PD65W USB-C Charger
快速查看三星128L(136T)3D V-NAND-内存TechStream博客
Jeongdong Choe博士是TechInsights的高级技术研究员,在DRAM、(V)NAND、SRAM和逻辑器件的半导体工艺集成方面拥有近30年的经验。他定期提供博客
UnitedSiC用他们的SiC JFET技术走了一条少人走过的路-电力半导体TechStream博客
Sinjin Dixon-Warren,高级进程分析师Sinjin Dixon-Warren是一个高级进程分析师,技术人员拥有超过20年的半导体分析经验,是电力电子分析的主题专家(中小企业)。他持有A.
雪崩40纳米pMTJ STT-MRAM-内存TechStream博客
Jeongdong Choe博士是TechInsights的高级技术研究员,在DRAM、(V)NAND、SRAM和逻辑器件的半导体工艺集成方面拥有近30年的经验。他定期提供博客
混合绑定从图像传感器扩展到逻辑,记忆 - 图像传感器,逻辑和内存Techstream博客
Dick James是一位近50年的半导体行业资深人士,从事半导体器件的工艺开发、设计、制造、封装和逆向工程。迪克是一个经常投稿的人raybet正规么
Webinar: Space, Power, BEAMs – Shorten the trek to gain the edge in 5G transceiver design and manufacturing

SK hynix 128L 3D PUC NAND (4D NAND)
SK hynix has released the world’s first 128-layer (128L) 3D NAND, which they have termed 4D NAND. This is their second NAND generation built using Periphery Under Cell (PUC) architecture; the first was their 96L NAND. In PUC architecture, peripheral
Inside the Intel RealSense L515 LiDAR Camera
Introduction The world of LIDAR sensing is evolving. Rotating turret LiDARs are commonplace for applications such as autonomous driving (see our Automotive LIDAR teardown subscription), but they are being displaced by a new generation of solid-state
商业上可用逻辑设备中的ALD / ALE进程2018的推出了一种新一代逻辑产品,以其10nm代微处理器的英特尔为单行,其次是TSMC和三星
三星S5K33D i-ToF,带7µm像素全局快门-图像传感器TechStream博客
Ray Fontaine,图像传感器产品经理Ray是世界上杰出的图像传感器技术专家之一,他定期为TechInsights订户发布图像传感器分析内容和评论。2020年8月12日我们的团队

Posted: July 09, 2020 Contributed by: Sinjin Dixon-Warren, PhD Electric vehicles (EV) are potentially a disruptive technology in the automotive market. They offer the promise of increased energy efficiency and the potential for reduced emissions
内存进程网络研讨会:3D NAND字线板(WLP)
美国东部时间2020年6月24日星期三下午2:00主持:Chi Lim Tan 3D NAND(垂直NAND)凭借其更高的密度和更低的每比特成本,一直是固态硬盘(SSD)普及的驱动力,这得益于创新和持续发展
Some say that in the H2 2017 – H1 2018 timeframe Intel’s 10nm node were so half baked, that Intel had to significantly redesign its 10 nm process technology for subsequent products. In any case, one SKU and limited availability speak for themselves.

Panasonic’s expertise in patent monetisation has never been more important
美国东部时间2020年5月27日,星期三下午2:00,主持人:Sinjin Dixon Warren电力电子行业正处于转型期。多年来,硅基器件一直占据着工业的主导地位,传统的硅MOSFET晶体管被用于制造半导体
由于波形和协议测试对于调查内存技术专利的使用证据至关重要,TechInsights的Martin Bijman和Neil MacLeod仔细研究了顶级NAND专利所有者的投资组合,以确定它们之间的区别
开启YMTC 64层3D Xtacking®NAND闪存的秘密
A look inside YMTC’s second-generation 3D-NAND technology, which uses “Xtacking” to bond the peripheral circuitry face-to-face with the memory array instead of alongside. As first published in Semiconductor Digest.
四月il 29 - 12:00-1:30 pm (ET) – Live webinar, "Patent Portfolio Management: Effective Strategies and Best Practices in 2020", hosted by The Knowledge Group. Key topics include: Patent Portfolio Management Trends and Developments, The Essentials of an
市场上从来没有这么多IP工具和技术助手,但是您如何决定哪些工具和技术助手对您的业务有帮助?TechInsights的Martin Bijman解释道。
Analysis of Qualcomm's Snapdragon SDR865 Transceiver; supporting 5G sub-6 Ghz and LTE services
The Snapdragon 865 platform is Qualcomm's most advanced 5G chipset to date with support for 5G, sub-6, mmWave and LTE. 4G/5G dynamic spectrum sharing, will enable "operators to accelerate 5G deployments by using their existing 4G spectrum holdings to
Looking at the Apple A12Z Bionic System on Chip
苹果A12Z仿生SoC只是A12X的更名版,有启用的GPU内核吗?当我们第一次在实验室得到苹果ipadpro2020 A2068时,这是我们想知道的第一件事。什么是A12Z?当我们看到A12Z时,在视觉上看不到
TechInsights公司Confirms Samsung’s true 7LPP process in the Samsung Exynos 990
去年,三星宣布在Exynos 9825中使用的7LPP工艺中引入EUV。通过对零件的分析,我们发现9825的7LPP工艺和Exynos 9820的8LPP工艺差别不大。现在,我们
YMTC is China's First Mass Producer of 3D NAND Flash Memory Chips
Contributing Author: Jeongdong Choe Originally Posted March 12, Revised April 7 2020 TechInsights finally found 3D Xtacking® NAND devices manufactured from Yangtze Memory Technologies Co., Ltd. (YMTC) in Wuhan, China. With this device, YMTC has
三星Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G相机Teardown
Contributing Authors: Ray Fontaine Congratulations to the Samsung team for not only delivering a well spec’d camera system, but also for being first to market with 0.7 µm generation pixels! The GH1 stacked imager, announced in September 2019, is in
三星Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G拆卸分析
供稿作者:Daniel Yang,Ray Fontaine在TechInsights的实验室里特别忙。就在我们开始拆卸小米10旗舰系列(全球首款高通Snapdragon 865)的各种型号的几天后
香农5800 55M5800A01随着行业对5G应用的扩展,三星在移动通信技术领域不断创新,包括射频收发器、mmWave相控阵解决方案以及5G嵌入式移动处理器
Apple Inc的惊喜警告认为,由于冠状病毒流行病,这可能会缺乏本季度的销售目标,因为它的芯片和其他供应商以及也依赖中国建立产品的竞争对手。
MT6303P AN10516CW 2.95 x 1.74-180nm移动射频架构的复杂性不断增加,以支持多种标准,我们在几乎每一款新手机中都发现了新的移动射频组件。在撰写本文时
In 2020, 3D flash memory will be fully upgraded to 100 multi-layer stacks
How many layers can 3D flash memory stack? Just as skyscrapers cannot be piled up indefinitely, the number of layers of 3D flash memory is also limited.

PC technology trends 2020-DRAM and Flash
Apple Is About to Add a Third OLED Supplier
华为Mate 30 Pro 5G拆解:卖6399元整机,BOM成本仅2799元
华为Mate30 Pro 5G深度拆解:来自日本的2000多个组件

Seoul Semiconductor recently dipped its toes into the sales side of the patent market with an announcement that it will be auctioning off two patent packages – one at the end of this month and the other in January.
Power Integrations Scores OEM Design Win with their PowiGaN Technology
发布时间:2019年12月12日投稿作者:Sinjin Dixon Warren博士,消费者对更小尺寸和更高功率的需求,加上政府的效率法规,正在推动USB适配器市场的创新。USB-C电源传输

麒麟990 5G核心数据曝光:113.31平方毫米集成103亿晶体管
Recently, Huawei released its new 5G mobile phone, the Mate 30 5G series. The performance of its Kirin 990 5G SoC is very exciting. Recently, professional chip research institute TechInsights dismantled this commercial 5G integrated SoC chip.
The Apple U1 - Delayering the Chip and Its Possibilities
发布时间:2019年11月8日供稿作者:Stacy Wegner Figure 1:Apple U1 UWB芯片iPhone11中最吸引人的组件之一就是神秘的芯片Apple简单地贴上了“U1”的标签。TechInsights一直在忙着对此进行分析
华为伴侣30 pro 5g拆除
Introducing the Kirin 990 5G Posted: November 7, 2019 Contributing Authors: Daniel Yang, Stacy Wegner The Huawei Mate 30 Series is the latest installment of the company’s annual flagship smartphones, released on September 19, 2019 in Munich
TIPS Webinar: Techniques to Analyze NAND Flash and SSD Devices
日期:2019年11月6日下午1:00 /下午三点提出nted By: Neil MacLeod and Marty Bijman Internal Probing, Waveform Analysis, and More The widespread adoption and expansion of data centers has driven the SSD market to a period of high competition and
Intel Core i7-1065G7 “Ice Lake” 10 nm 2nd Gen Processor Analysis
Posted: October 31, 2019 Contributing Author: Sinjin Dixon-Warren Silicon carbide (SiC) is a widely used industrial material. Widescale production by the Carborundum Company started in 1893 following the discovery of the Acheson process, which is
Apple iPhone 11、11 Pro和11 Pro Max评论:性能、电池和摄像头提升
TechInsights公司has now officially released a die shot of the new Apple A13, and we can confirm a few assumptions on our side.
Apple U1 TMKA75超宽带(UWB)芯片分析
TechInsights:iPhone 11 Pro Max Cameras花费73.5美元
TechInsights公司publishes its estimation of Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max components. The cameras appear to be the post expensive part at $73.50.

SK hynix 96L 3D PUC NAND分析
在全球内存制造商中,SK-hynix目前占据NAND闪存市场份额的第五位,占10.3%。他们是最新发布的9X层NAND解决方案,与SK海力士96L三维PUC NAND。SK-hynix'96L三维PUC的研制
发布时间:2019年9月27日供稿作者:Sinjin Dixon Warren iPhone 11 Pro Max附带Apple 1720 18 W USB-C电源充电器。这个设备的额定输出电压为5伏和3安,或者9伏和2安TechInsights公司Analyses iPhone 11 Cameras
TechInsights公司publishes a teardown report of the new Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max smartphone with some info on its cameras:
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max Teardown
发布时间:2019年9月23日-更新时间:2019年10月1日投稿作者:Daniel Yang、Stacy Wegner、Albert Cowsky我们总是很兴奋地看到新的苹果iPhone,今年的iPhone 11系列也不例外。这是苹果有史以来的第一次活动

Webinar: Preparing to License: Using tools to Scale Your Licensing Program
最初提交时间:2019年9月19日/美国东部时间12:00至下午1:00主办人:Martin Bijman Licensing是一种行之有效的专利组合货币化手段,但那些将在从专利所有权到专利利润的道路上取得成功的人将不会
微米分析概述:LPDDR4 DDR4 3D NAND Flash和XPoint反向工程
发布日期:2019年9月17日,凭借2018年304亿美元的收入、NAND闪存16.5%的市场份额和DRAM 23%的市场份额,美光是存储和存储技术领域最大的参与者之一。对于那些希望支持其产品的人
图形解决方案如何改善3D NAND有效设备密度
Driven by Moore's Law, memory and logic chip semiconductor manufacturers reduce product cost and improve performance by increasing transistor density.

Peloton IPO Preview: All Hype, No Muscle
Un teléfono móvil se vende casi tres veces más caro de lo que cuesta fabricarlo, atendiendo al coste de todos los componentes que integran estos dispositivos, desde la batería o la cámara hasta el sistema operativo que permite que funcionen las

高通PM8150中的Deca Technologies扇入WLP
Posted: August 29, 2019 The fan-In WLP market expected to grow at a steady rate; from $2.9B in 2018 to $4.4B by 2024, at 6.5% CAGR. One of the recent contributors to this market is Deca Technologies, whose M-Series fan-out wafer-level packaging
GaN, SiC, and Si technologies in AC Adapters
Posted: August 14, 2019 Contributing Authors: Sinjin Dixon-Warren, PhD Introduction AC Adapters are a constant reminder that the mobile devices that we have come to love are not quite as mobile as we would like to think. Every single mobile device
华为Mate 20 X(5G)拆卸中意外设计获胜
2019年是我们看到5G智能手机开始腾飞的一年。TechInsights在4月份发布了三星Galaxy S10 5G teardown的博客,这是韩国全球首款5G手机。Galaxy S10 5G SM-G977N基于三星
4部分博客系列:智能手机成像艺术的艺术状态第4部分:非拜耳CFA,相位检测自动对焦(PDAF)发布:2019年7月30日贡献作者:Ray Fontaine内容从TechInsights纸张为国际形象进行了适应
分为4部分的博客系列:智能手机成像仪的最新技术第3部分:背光有源硅厚度,深沟隔离(DTI)发布时间:2019年7月23日贡献作者:Ray Fontaine内容改编自TechInsights的论文
分为4部分的博客系列:智能手机成像器的最新技术第2部分:像素缩放和缩放使能器发布日期:2019年7月16日贡献作者:Ray Fontaine内容改编自TechInsights为国际图像传感器研讨会撰写的论文

Part 1: Chip-stacking and chip-to-chip interconnect
分四部分的博客系列:智能手机成像器的最新技术第1部分:芯片堆叠和芯片间互连发布时间:2019年7月9日投稿作者:Ray Fontaine内容改编自TechInsights的国际图像演示
发布日期:2019年6月11日Ambiq Micro Apollo 3 Blue超低功耗MCU市场人满为患,竞争激烈,全球半导体公司在该技术领域的研发投入不断增加;预计2019年该市场将达到约200亿美元
三星、SK hynix和Micron的1y DDR4 DRAM
Posted: June 7, 2019 Samsung LPDDR4X 17 nm 1Y Samsung DDR4 17 nm 1Y Micron MT40A2G4SA-062E 8Gb DDR4 The top 3 DRAM manufacturers (Samsung, SK hynix, and Micron) reached sub-20 nm in 2017 and 2018 with the introduction of 1x. A new milestone was

Qualcomm QTM052 mmWave Antenna Module
Posted: May 31, 2019 Qualcomm QTM052 mmWave Antenna Module Qualcomm claims to have “Made the impossible, possible” by incorporating mmWave technology into the mobile RF front end in a small, highly integrated module. There are many challenges
TechInsights的Martin Bijman和Trevor Izzak解释说,在600亿美元的NAND技术市场上,专利前景分析可以给公司带来优势。
网络研讨会:识别和追求专利侵权者 - 使用技术证据构建您的断言活动
At its heart, an assertion campaign relies on Evidence of Use (EoU), to demonstrate the existence of ongoing infringement. If no one is using the technology covered by your patent portfolio then your patents are not as valuable. Conversely, when there is EoU the value of a patent portfolio is greater.
Electric Cars Gain Traction, But Challenges Remain
发布时间:2019年4月11日投稿作者:迪克·詹姆斯,赵正东去年周日晚上在IEDM,TechInsights举行了一个招待会,Arabinda Das和赵正东发表了演讲,吸引了一屋子与会者
9X层3D NAND分析
Posted: April 10, 2019 TechInsights’ Analysis of Solutions from Samsung, Toshiba, and Intel/Micron TechInsights’ analysis has begun on the much-anticipated 9XL 3D NAND solutions, including: Samsung 92L 3D V-NAND Toshiba 96L 3D BiCS Intel/Micron 96L
三星Galaxy S10 5G Teardown
Posted: April 9, 2019 Contributing Author: Daniel Yang & Stacy Wegner It’s here. It’s in our labs... Two major 5G events happened last week: Verizon launched their 5G network in Chicago, and on the other side of the globe, Samsung launched the world
Analyzing innovations in mobile radio frequency front-end integration
网络研讨会:高密度扇形包技术 - 检查和比较
最初呈现时间:2019年4月9日/美国东部时间下午2:00至3:00主持:Michel Roy低密度扇出封装技术已经存在了十多年。由于RDL计数和行空间/行宽度功能的限制,这
3D NAND计量挑战与日俱增
(Semiconductor Engineering) The big challenge is to characterize the inner portions of a 3D NAND device, which consists of complex materials, multiple layers and tiny channel holes. Then, as you add more layers, the metrology challenges increase “due
Autonomous Vehicles are Driving Innovation
三星Galaxy S10 +拆除
发布时间:2019年3月1日投稿作者:Michelle Alarcon、Daniel Yang、Stacy Wegner、Albert Cowsky我们提前一点拿到了新的三星Galaxy S10+!TechInsights从韩国收到了Exynos三星Galaxy S10+SM-G975F/DS,并已投入使用
最初提交时间:2019年2月27日/3:00至4:00美国东部时间主持:John Sullivan A Patent and Technology Perspective我们估计移动射频(RF)市场价值约190亿美元。移动射频创新旨在提高
发帖时间:2019年2月20日投稿作者:Stacy Wegner和Daniel Yang Lenovo Z5 Pro GT从1数到22万需要多长时间?可能超过32秒,但据报道,32秒是联想希望销售的时间
纳维在RAVPower RP-PC104-W氮化镓45 W USB C电源传输充电器内发现
发布时间:2019年2月7日投稿作者:Sinjin Dixon Warren,PhD Figure 1–RAVPower RP-PC104 USB-C充电器650 V氮化镓(GaN)功率高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)的主要新兴应用之一可能
发布时间:2019年2月7日投稿作者:Marty Bijman和Jim Hines图1-特斯拉的投资组合,包括麦克斯韦和SolarCity收购图2-特斯拉投资组合景观,显示哪些发明源自特斯拉、SolarCity和
Webinar: Finding Evidence of Use in Technology - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Originally Presented: December 12, 2018 / 2:00pm to 3:00pm ET Hosted By: Martin Bijman TechInsights has identified Evidence of Use (EoU) for over 6,000 unique patents. In doing so, we have significantly evolved our understanding of what patents can
Webinar: Using Technical Evidence to Strengthen Patents
最初提交时间:2018年10月23日/美国东部时间12:00至下午1:00主办人:Mary Lupul专利强化是一个术语,我们用来描述在起诉过程中可以应用的不同方法,以雷竞技会黑钱吗最大限度地发挥专利一旦生效的效用
研讨会:优化专利起诉Stronger, More Valuable Patents
Originally Presented: October 4, 2018 / 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT Hosted By: Martin Bijman & George Pappas Patent strengthening is the term that refers to the process of achieving the greatest potential for value from a patent during the prosecution –
Webinar: Comparing leading STBs, Streaming Devices, and Smart TVs - A design and BoM perspective
最初呈现时间:2018年9月18日/美国东部时间下午2:00至3:00,主持人:Stacy Wegner,有一个重要的跳线切割趋势,关于运营商如何反应和修改他们的产品,以留住受流媒体诱惑的订户,人们已经说了很多
最初呈现时间:2018年7月11日/美国东部时间下午2:00至3:00主持人:Jim Hines汽车行业正面临来自新市场进入者、新兴移动商业模式和消费者对汽车拥有态度变化的干扰。未来

英特尔10纳米逻辑过程分析(Cannon Lake)
发布时间:2018年6月12日英特尔10nm逻辑进程分析TechInsights发现了期待已久的Cannon Lake——联想IdeaPad330中使用的i3-8121U CPU内部的英特尔10nm逻辑进程。这项创新有以下特点:逻辑晶体管
SK hynix 72L 3D NAND分析
发布时间:2018年5月31日SK hynix 72L 3D NAND Analysis SK hynix声称已经创造了业界第一个72层256Gb 3D NAND闪存。与48层3D TLC芯片相比,这种创新的块大小大了50%,编程时间更短
网络研讨会:黑匣子揭示 - 在挑战产品领域调查专利技术
Originally Presented: May 3, 2018 / 3:15pm to 4:00pm ET Hosted By: Martin Bijman "Black box reveal" is the term we use to refer to “the hard stuff” – technology that, for one reason or another, is difficult to analyze for evidence of use. These can
Posted: February 27, 2018 Contributing Authors: Marty Bijman Recently, IAM’s Timothy Au posted a blog providing a look at Uber’s portfolio. The blog references Uber’s portfolio makeup, and provides a chronicle of their IP events over the last 5 years
最初呈现:2018年2月20日至3:00至下午5:00托管:Martin Bijman&George Pappas专利加强是指在控方期间从专利中实现最大价值潜力的术语 -雷竞技会黑钱吗
最初提交时间:2018年2月1日/12:00 pm-1:00 pm作者:Mike McLean、Gene Quinn&Walter Hanchuk Alice对软件专利产生了影响,但它们可以而且仍然具有重要价值。如果你的投资组合包括软件
