Apple A8 APL1011是从Apple iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus智能手机中提取的应用程序处理器设备。本报告是应用处理器模具的基本功能分析,其中模具标记TMET05,从Apple A8包中提取。APL1011 SOC包括双核旋风器64位中央处理器和四核PowerVR GX6450MP4图形处理器。苹果的A8芯片的说明,比A7的前任速度快25%,并包含超过20亿晶体管。A8应用程序处理器模具区域是其前任A7区域的86%。The die is highly utilized, with a majority of the die being digital logic and memory, with three particularly large portions used for the dual-core Cyclone 64-bit CPU, Imagination Technologies’ quad-core PowerVR GX6450MP4 GPU, and a large SRAM L3 cache memory.