Samsung 18 nm DRAM Analysis

Posted: December 15, 2017

2017年4月,三星成为了world’s first manufacturer to mass produce 10 nm-class DRAM. In June 2017,TechInsights published a blogbased on our first learnings on this innovation that detailed a memory density increase of 32.8% when comparing 8Gb DRAM 18 nm and 20 nm die.

Samsung K3UH5H50MM-NGCJ (LPDDR4X Mobile SDRAM)

Samsung K3UH5H50MM-NGCJ (LPDDR4X Mobile SDRAM)

Samsung K3UH5H50MM-NGCJ (LPDDR4X Mobile SDRAM)

  • 发现波平S8和S8 +谷歌像素2 (G011A)and others
  • K4F8E164HM die extracted from the Samsung Galaxy S8 model SM-G950W
  • 366 FBGA
  • 32Gb



  • K4A8G085WC die extracted from the Samsung M471A2K43CB1-CRC SO-DIMM
  • 78 FBGA
  • 8GB

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