
供稿人:Sinjin Dixon Warren博士

电动汽车(EV)是汽车市场上潜在的颠覆性技术。它们提供了提高能源效率和减少排放的潜力,这取决于用于发电的一次能源。此外,由于电力通常更便宜的与汽油相比,电动汽车有望降低运营成本,部分原因在于税收差异。然而,锂离子电池的一个缺点是其能量密度比汽油低100倍(看到). 即使考虑到电动汽车更高的效率,我们也需要将电池的能量密度提高5倍,以达到与汽油动力汽车相同的重量效率。

TechInsights最近完成了对雪佛兰螺栓EV.. 根据消费者报告,2020款雪佛兰“博尔特”是首款拥有强劲驾驶范围的相对实惠的电动汽车。这辆小型掀背车是围绕着一个66千瓦时的大电池组建造的,电池组位于车的地板下,尽管它的姿态很高,但有助于增强车的植树感。随着200匹电马的启动,闪电加速。在240伏的连接器上完全充电需要10个小时,但是在417公里的额定续航里程内,车主应该很少需要完全充电。”我们的分析集中在动力系统上,包括逆变器和锂离子电池组。在这篇短文中,我们将回顾其中的一些分析。

Figure 1 shows a schematic block diagram for the Chevy Bolt powertrain. The Li ion battery pack, inverter and the drive unit form the heart of the powertrain. The onboard charging module is used to convert the main AC power to the required DC power for charging the batteries. The battery control module balances the charging and discharging of the cells in the battery pack. The inverter converts the DC current from the battery to the three-phase AC required for the drive unit (electric motor). Accessory power module provides 12 V DC to run the various electrical component of the car, such as the heating fans and power windows. The ECM controls the drive unit.




图2 LG Electronics VISTA 2.0雪佛兰螺栓电池组件

图2 LG Electronics VISTA 2.0雪佛兰螺栓电池组件

图3显示了LG电子(LG Electronics)的照片VISTA 2.0 battery pack with the cover removed. The pack is comprised of banks of cells wired in series and in parallel to generate the desired high voltage and high current. A battery control module is seen over the lower left corner of the battery. This module serves to manage the electrical and thermal load of the battery. It is very important that the battery cells charge and discharge at the same rate, to ensure thermal stability and a long life for the battery pack. A single cell module was removed from the battery pack and then disassembled to release a single SB035Z6 battery cell for further analysis, as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The SB035Z6 battery cell was then carefully discharged prior to performing an analysis of the internal structure of the battery cell.

图3雪佛兰螺栓的LG Electronics VISTA 2.0电池组件内部

图3雪佛兰螺栓的LG Electronics VISTA 2.0电池组件内部

图4 LG Electronics Vista 2.0来自Chevy螺栓的单元模块

图4 LG Electronics Vista 2.0来自Chevy螺栓的单元模块

图5 LG Electronics SB035Z6雪佛兰螺栓的离子电池

图5 LG Electronics SB035Z6雪佛兰螺栓的离子电池

SB035Z6电池芯内部结构的光学横截面图像如图6所示。关于锂离子电池技术的进一步讨论可以在我们最近发表的文章中找到电力网. 电池可能是使用LG的堆叠和折叠结构形成的,阳极(-)和阴极(+)材料层由有机分离材料隔开。图6所示的区域靠近电池芯的边缘。分离器和铝阴极电极比铜阳极电极延伸得更远,并且分离器确保阳极和阴极活性材料的完全电分离。

图6 LG Electronics SB035Z6雪佛兰螺栓的离子电池芯横截面

图6 LG Electronics SB035Z6雪佛兰螺栓的离子电池芯横截面

更详细的细胞结构的SEM剖视图如图7所示。我们的分析发现用LinimnCoO 2颗粒形成的阴极活性材料,而阳极有源层使用石墨形成。分离器包括涂在一侧的有机膜,其中金属氧化物。LG电子SB035Z6细胞的结构和材料的细节与TechInsights最近的Samsung SDI EB-BG9777ABU锂离子电池的分析中发现的细节不同[1]。这款电池从三星Galaxy S10 5G SM-G977U智能手机中提取,并以LiCo2替换为CO的LiCo2阴极有两个优点。首先,它的成本较低,因为钴是昂贵的且第二,代替Ni提供更高的工作电压,这导致更高的效率。

图7 LG Electronics SB035Z6雪佛兰螺栓的离子电池单元SEM横截面

图7 LG Electronics SB035Z6雪佛兰螺栓的离子电池单元SEM横截面

The LG Electronics VISTA 2.0 battery pack directly feeds power to the LG Electronics 2429-6561 single power inverter module, shown in Figure 8. The lid was removed from the inverter module and two printed circuit boards (PCBs) were removed, revealing a large Infineon FS800R07A2E3 IGBT3 (650 V 800 A) power module mounted in the bottom of the die cast aluminum case, as shown in Figure 9. This power module provides the 3-phase AC power required to drive the electric motor of the drive unit.

图8 LG Electronics 2429-6561单电源逆变器模块

图8 LG Electronics 2429-6561单电源逆变器模块

图9 LG Electronics 2429-6561单电源逆变器模块内部

图9 LG Electronics 2429-6561单电源逆变器模块内部


图10英飞凌FS800R07A2E3 IGBT3(650 V 800 A)

图10英飞凌FS800R07A2E3 IGBT3(650 V 800 A)

在FS800R07A2E3中发现的IGBT模具的一个描绘的SEM横截面如图11所示。垂直装置具有沟槽门的顶侧发射器/源金属化。TechInsights已经分析了几个IGBT沟槽门IGBT技术,包括最近在InfineOnFP10R12W1T7B11Boma1 [2]中找到的更高级的IGBT7技术。

图11英飞凌FS800R07A2E3 IGBT3模具横截面-扫描电镜

图11英飞凌FS800R07A2E3 IGBT3模具横截面-扫描电镜



1三星SDI EB-BG977ABU锂离子电池探索性分析,TechInsights,EXR-1909-801。
2Infineon FP10R12W1T7B11BOMA1 TRENCHSTOP IGBT7电源概要,TechInsights,PEF-1912-801。
