作者:Arabinda Das
Today the semiconductor industry is a behemoth whose年销售收入跨越4000亿美元. 在其60年的历史中,这个成熟的行业已经尝试了各种模式,如集成设备制造商(IDM)、无晶圆厂(fabless)和铸造概念,每一种都采用了不同的知识产权(IP)策略。
在早期阶段,在1960年至1970年之间,设计ing an integrated circuit (IC) was a laborious task as it required specialized engineers who, without the help of electronic-design-automation (EDA) tools, had to manually create the circuits and layouts. This limited R&D to a select few manufacturers who could afford this costly process. At that time, the manufacturers had their patents centered around all aspects of their product.
IDM包括最有资源的组织,如德州仪器、英特尔和IBM。他们有一个完整的概述,从设计阶段到产品。他们还制造了逻辑和存储设备,为他们的投资组合增加了广泛的专利。图1描绘了来自Techinsights库的1990 Texas Instruments(TI)4MB CMOS DRAM。该装置采用沟槽电容器进行数据存储。德州仪器公司不仅设计了DRAM,还制造了DRAM,并将其封装在美国自己的网站上。如今,TI不再制造任何内存产品或逻辑处理器,但他们仍在继续将其庞大的知识产权资产货币化。
The status quo of the chip ecosystem was disrupted by the introduction of the iPhone in 2007. Smartphones assembled in a small footprint have several components like display, touch screens, cameras, microphones, speakers, battery, sensors, antenna, Wi-Fi connectivity, memory, processors, storage and more not to mention all the different types of software which exist to facilitate daily operations. As smartphones developed, it became a dire necessity to innovate new compact packages, optimize the interconnect structures between disparate devices, and provide powerful computation capabilities to processors. Smartphones connected the general public to the internet and made the transfer of large amounts of data possible, ushering in the need for better data collection and manipulation. Data organizations required application specific processors which were not yet available in the market; this demand pressured companies to meet this need. As a result, the boundary line between the design-house, the foundry, and the software companies became quite blurred: Foundries began getting involved with design and packaging. Particularly, TSMC one of the leading foundries, expanded its portfolio in a variety of fields. Today, TSMC manufactures chips for various companies including Apple and has developed its own proprietary integrated fan-out (InFO) packaging technology, in which stacked DRAM dies are placed on top of an embedded processor that has redistribution lines on its molding compound. Figure 3 shows one of the latest packaging products by TSMC, which is used mainly for Apple processors.
Recently, I came across a detailed landscape report on 5G, presented by Ed White from Drewent [2]. One of the main takeaways was that the inventions of top 5G assignees (Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Qualcomm, Ericsson and Nokia) could be divided into thirty-seven technical categories. These six companies possess 41% of the 5G patents and none of them have any manufacturing capacity (Samsung being the exception). Nevertheless, they all have filed patents in all sorts of technical categories including healthcare, education, agriculture, automotive, multiple access schemes, antenna, and enhanced mobile broadband. This wide portfolio suggests that it is extremely difficult to categorize a company into a single box and assign it a unique specialization. Software companies, IDMs, foundries, and fabless are all filing patents over an entire, disparate spectrum.
考虑到在5G时代,一些现有配置将出现新的应用,情况变得更加复杂。例如,5G的突出技术之一是大规模MIMO(多输入多输出)技术。mimo被配置成允许无线网络在单个无线信道上发射和接收多个数据信号。为了实现这一点,在同一个平台上需要多个天线;因此,未来的智能手机将拥有更复杂的天线结构。这一概念开启了一种新的封装应用,称为包内天线(AIP)或包上天线(AOP),它是嵌入式扇出封装的一个子集。嵌入式扇出式封装是为了将有源和无源器件(如天线、电感器和电容器)集成在封装中而设计的。英飞凌是嵌入式扇出封装的先驱之一,他们的嵌入式晶圆级球栅阵列(eWLB)于2008年开发,授权给STATS ChipPAC、ASE和Amkor。这三家OSAT公司通过提供解决方案,将多个有源和无源器件集成到软件包中,包括天线结构,进一步发展了最初的想法;这鼓励了许多其他参与者加入扇出技术社区。英飞凌在2019年为谷歌Pixel 4智能手机打造了一款精确的运动检测设备技术,当时他们没有使用嵌入式扇出技术。相反,they incorporated the antenna in the printed circuit board,根据Techinsights进行的结构分析得出[4,5]。这进一步强化了大多数现代科技巨头所接受的跨学科思维模式。今天,有至少有10家公司直接参与扇出晶圆级封装[3] ,其中8人是OSAT玩家。
除了明确的界限消失之外,知识产权(IP)不断易手的事实使专利格局更加复杂。据IAM编辑R.Lloydthe first quarter of 2020 saw the largest number of US patent deals and the largest amount of assets changing hands[6]. 事实上,自2010年对专利交易进行跟踪监测以来,2020年的知识产权变动幅度最大。IBM、LG和诺基亚是一些最突出的卖家,而大多数买家是非执业实体,而台积电、三星和索尼则是前五大买家。显然,半导体工业已经从DRAM专利只适用于特定产品的时代开始了。如今,这项技术仍被分割成许多专门领域,但与此同时,不同类别之间的接口比以往任何时候都更加流畅。由此产生的专利前景具有挑战性,但也充满了知识产权实践的机会。保护一个人的知识产权没有单一的战略;一个可能的前进道路是接受开放创新的概念。主要思想开放式创新是到integrate or accept ideas and technologies from an outside organization in order to enhance one’s own innovation[7]. 这使得半导体公司能够专注于自己的核心优势,并在自己不具备所需技能的领域依赖与其他公司和/或研究联盟的大规模合作。希望知识产权的未来集中于创意的出现,这正是半导体行业的特点。与此同时,Techinsights正在继续跟踪技术进步,并密切关注不断变化的专利格局。
[1] https://www.semiconductors.org/the-2020-sia-factbook-your-source-for-semiconductors-industry-data/
[2] 《在5G领域发现机遇》,作者:Ed White,IAM winter 2019
[3] https://semiengineering.com/fan-out-wars-begin/
[4] https://www.infinon.com/cms/en/about-infinon/press/press-releases/2019/INFPMM201910-003.html
[5] Infineon 6TR13C Package briefings 2019, Techinsights
[6] https://www.iam-media.com/non-practicing-entities/new-data-points-bumper-first-quarter-of-patent-deal-making
Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights- The Two-edged Sword